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MBA vs MCA: Salary, fees, Subject and Eligibility Criteria

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MBA vs MCA is the main concern in recent times. Qualification in master’s increased in India due to competition in markets, increment in salary, unemployment and many other several factors. Everyone wants to grow in carrier and learn something that is beneficial in future too. There is several master’s program offered in India but mainly MBA and MCA program has bright future with better scope but confusion is still there for person who want to seek degree with many questions like which is better? Why to choose this or that? Here we discuss about in details with considering several facts, examples, and factors.

What is MCA vs MBA

MBA:- Master in Business Administration (MBA) is a 2-year Post-graduate Course designed to help in development of business growth, making strategy, increase capital, manage finance, and many more.

MCA:- Master in Computer Application (MCA) is a 2-year Post-graduate Course to develop computer hardware and software application related skills such as
Programming, Web Designing, Cyber Analyst, and many more.

Benefits of MBA vs MCA

Pursuing MBA

 Person who looking a job in finance sector such as Banking, Marketing, Business.
 Focus on developing creative Thinking skills, Communication skills, Problem Solving skills.
 Experts are main need of any organization development; Master course provide deep knowledge of that subject.
 Always in demanding because each sector depends upon finance, human resource and its management is necessary.

Pursuing MCA
 Person who wants to seek job in Computer Hardware and Software related sector.
 Helps to develop technical skills, required for web hosting, app developing, gaming,
 Experts are main need of any organization development; Master course provide
deep knowledge of the field you want to make career in it.
 Generation is digitalizing day-by-day in each sector with digital technology. and
future depends upon computer-based technology.

Government Scheme On Education


India is a nation with highest Youth Population in the world with 808 million (80 Crore) population, i.e., 66% of Indian Population under age of 35 years, and 40% with the age group between 13 years to 35 years. Indian Government start promoting post- raduate degree education specially from Indian University and start developing infrastructure by increasing Education Budget each year rapidly and it is expected to be around 1.22 Lakh Crore in 2024-25 session, for development in our nation to make our country from developing nation to developed nation. The budget is 1.12 Lakh Crore in 2023-24 session in which 44,094 Crore is for technical development.

Universities For MCA vs MBA

 Pursuing MCA
✅ National Institute of Technology (NIT)
✅ Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU)
✅ Jadavpur University (JU)
✅Jamia Millai Islamia (JMI)
✅ Amity University (AU)
✅Chandigarh University (CU)
✅ Lovely Professional University (LPU)

• Pursuing MBA
✅Indian Institute of Management (IIM)
✅ Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)
✅ Amity University (AU)
✅ Lovely Professional University (LPU)
✅ National Institute of Technology (NIT)
✅ Chandigarh University (CU)
✅Birla Institute of Management Technology (BIMT)

MBA vs MCA Courses

• Pursuing MBA
✓ MBA in Digital Marketing
✓ MBA in Finance
✓ MBA in Business Management
✓ MBA in Healthcare Management
✓ MBA in Information Technology
✓ MBA in Business Analyst
✓ MBA in Digital Entrepreneurship

• Pursuing MCA
✓ MCA in Management Information System (MIS)
✓ MCA in Software Development
✓ MCA in Data Science
✓ MCA in Cloud Computing
✓ MCA in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
✓ MCA in Cyber Security
✓ MCA in Blockchain

MBA vs MCA Syllabus

• Pursuing MBA (May differ according to different University)

Semester I

·         Managerial Economics

·         Principles Practices of Management

·         Marketing Management

·         Financial Reporting, Statements and Analysis

·         Communication Skills and Professional Management

Semester II

·         Corporate Finance

·         Business Analytics

·         Financial Management

·         Human Resource Management

·         Business Communication

Semester III

·         Corporate Strategy and Entrepreneurship

·         Conflict Resolution and Management

·         Strategic Management

·         Minor Project Work

·         Seminar on Summer Training

Semester IV

·         Professional Ethics

·         Management in Action Social Economics and Ethical Issues

·         Digital Marketing

·         International Management

·         Major Project Work

• Pursuing MCA (May differ according to different University)
Semester I

·         Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science

·         Advance Data Structures and Indexing

·         Object Oriented Programming with C++

·         Advanced Database Management System

·         Linux Programming

·         Communication Skills and Professional Management

Semester II

·         Cryptography and Network Security

·         .Net with C#

·         Java Programming

·         Computer-Based Numerical & Statistical Techniques

·         Advanced Software Engineering

Semester III

·         Combinatory & Graph Theory

·         Operating System

·         Python Programming

·         Data Communication and Networks

·         Project Work

Semester IV

·         Architecture & Microprocessor

·         Graphics & Animation

·         Data Mining and Data Warehousing

·         Computer Networks

·         Major Project Work

MBA vs MCA Fees

• Pursuing MBA
➢ Cost depends upon medium of your choice. Now-a-days course is offered in three different ways, i.e., Offline MBA, Online MBA, and Distance MBA.
➢ Cost of pursuing Offline MBA program is in the range between 2 Lakh and 27 Lakh depends upon course and Institute.
➢ Cost of pursuing Online MBA program is in the range between 1.50 Lakh and 5.22 Lakh depending upon course and Institute.
➢ Cost of pursuing Distance MBA program is in the range between 50 thousand to 8 Lakh depending upon course and institute.

• Pursuing MCA
➢ Cost depends upon medium of your choice. Now-a-days course is offered in three different ways, i.e., Offline MCA, Online MCA, and Distance MCA.
➢ Cost of pursuing Offline MCA program is in the range between 46 thousand and 3.40 Lakh depends upon course and Institute.
➢ Cost of pursuing Online MCA program is in the range between 19.70 thousand and 2.60 Lakh depending upon course and Institute.
➢ Cost of pursuing Distance MCA program is in the range between 40 thousand to 1.20 Lakh depending upon course and institute.

MCA vs MBA Salary

In country like India, there is no vast difference in starting salary of both the courses, both MBA and MCA is around 4 Lakh per annum, while average salary of MBA is around 10 Lakh per annum whereas MCA average salary is about 8.5 Lakh per annum.

Future Scope MBA And MCA

• Pursuing MBA
 Business: MBA helps to study deeply the market and, modern tools and techniques that help in development of business. It helps person to stablish own business in the market.
 Business Management: Every organization needs management, this program focuses to develop skill required to manage an organization such as technical
resources, human resources, and many more, with these skills you can have starting salary with 4LPA in India.
✓ Finance Management: Finance is the main need and outcome for development of any Organization and any Country. It includes Banking Sector, Stock Market, Business Sector. It required calculation skills with better accuracy, its starting salary is about 6LPA in India.
 Human Resource Management: Company development depends upon its Human Resources, their ability and their skills which visualize and managed by Human Resource Department. Starting salary about 5LPA in India.
 Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneur helps in taking and providing solution about risk, problems, or issues to get benefits in development of the firm by taking planned step, visualizing, and researching. It allows you to work on Freelancing platform with starting income about 10LPA in Indian Currency.
✓ Business Analyst: Role is to analyse the market, company scenario, and many more factors and make a planned step or take risk accordingly to increase the development of an organization. Company like TCS, Wipro, and many more hires with average salary starts from 5LPA in India.

• Pursuing MCA
✓ IT Field: Strengthen the advance programming and coding skills theoretical and practical which allows the person to develop web page, computer application, software development, and many more. Salary starts from 5LPA in India.
✓ Game Designing: Creating and shaping the mechanics required creative and
technical skills. MCA program helps to develop these skills. Game designer
requirement is high in market and it is top prioritized as the future scope by India Today with starting salary about 6LPA in Indian Currency.
✓ Data Science: Day by day data is becoming more precious. Every person analysis can be determined by their data. MCA provide depth knowledge about collecting and managing the data and how it can be implemented to gain more and more profit from it. It is one of the top 3 priority future scope job that determined by India Today with starting salary about 5.5LPA in India.
✓ Cybersecurity: With developing digital technology there is always concern about from 4LPA in India.

✓ Machine Learning: Machine learning requires very depth knowledge of programming skills require for Military Application, Space Application, and many more with starting salary of 8LPA in India.

✓ Artificial Intelligence: Same as Machine Learning it requires depth knowledge of programming skills. It requires to train a machine to act on input parameters. Its salary in India starts from 6LPA.


Both has its own significance and advantages, depending upon their field. It depends upon us what is our interest or condition and what benefits us in our career or what we look to gain in our life. If you want to achieve or have interest in hardware or software technology related field than pursuing MCA benefits in our life, it has wide and bright future with lowcost course fee as compared to MBA, while pursuing MBA provide huge increment in Income with multi-field job choices and MBA is very helpful for the person who want to open own business. MBA salary starts from 6LPA in Indian Currency while MCA has starting salary about 4LPA, depending upon experience it get increased.

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