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MCA Cyber Security course in Pune | Top Colleges, Fees [2024]

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Cyber Security is the most concern topic in Today’s world. As per technology advancement attackers get more modern tools to spread their threat. It leads to rise the demand of Job as Cyber Expert in Organizational sector to minimize these attacks. To fulfil the subject needs MCA offers career in Cyber Security which enables to deep learning and enhancement in this domain. Pune is one of the top Indian IT industry hub. With Technology Industry there is always cyber threat and attack which can be minimize and supported by Cyber Security Expert.

Cyber Security is a branch in which students learn about protection of different computer systems and networks from distinct cyber threat and cyber-attack. Attacker try to access unauthorized and personal information through various tools and technology by malicious activity, MCA helps students to enrich and train them to approach to protect organization from these harmful acts.

Why MCA in Cyber Security?

1. Pursuing MCA in Cyber Security specialization equip with comprehensive understanding of Cyber threat in modern era of different technical domain.

2. Course develop skills and deep learning in students to protect data and information by analyzing the threat they have to face.

3. MCA in Cyber security course curriculum includes various real-life cyber cases and its solution as an examples to provide deep learning and understanding in this domain.

4. During course all the students get to experience and enrich with different tools and technology which helps further in

Benefits of MCA Cyber Security course in Pune

 Creates Protective layer for Cyber protection:

Provide a barrier such as firewalls, antivirus, antimalware and many other software to prevent data breach in an organization. It is the first defence which provides protection from external cyber threats and different cyber-attacks. These barriers also helps to determine or identify attacks and respond to it in their own way and these barrier helps in providing extra time to cyber-expert for responding towards attack. These layers mainly focus on protecting email and passwords.

• Prepares Students to approach towards Cyber-Attack:

Cyber-crime is increasing in today’s world not only in Organization but within common people too including blackmailing, fraud, hacking and many more. It happens due to lack of technical knowledge generally in Senior citizen and old adults, it leads to the demand of Cyber expert which act as a first measure to counter these threats and vulnerabilities.

• Analyzing weakness in Computer related Applications:

Regular testing and maintenance assessments are necessary to provide cyber security. It is done by penetration testing, in which Cyber expert attacks the computer networks and systems with different tools and techniques and find errors and weakness that hackers can exploit. It allows to identify vulnerabilities, and improve it by analyzing and testing.

•  Protect data and information from unauthorized access:

Personal data and information leakage are most common issues that today’s generation is facing whether it can be personal or important for business purpose. It may results in heavy damage and make bad image in customers and society. Any organization has wide range of sensitive data which can cause huge damage to them. Cyber expert helps to restrict personal or valuable business data from unauthorized access.

• Provide protection from Ransomware:

Ransomware is a malicious encrypt software used by hacker which is design to breaks security barrier and limit access from owner until hacker allows. Hacker demand a specific amount to allow access. It affects individuals and different organization. Now-a-days people starts storing Organizational data in Cloud Storage which allows hacker to be more vulnerable and this type of attack is increasing day-by-day. Cyber security expert provides back up sensitive data to multiple places which enables the person to access during this type of behavior.

 Provide support to Workplace:

Data breach by hacker is increasing day-by-day of huge personality or in top organization and brands due to which these sector suffers from huge financial losses. Sometimes it affects the business and results in termination of employees and their position. Cyber expert provide support to employees and workplace from these types of threat and harm.

MCA in Cyber Security Colleges in Pune

Online Colleges that Provide MCA Cyber Security Course

1. Guru Nanak Dev University, Punjab

2. Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Science, Maharashtra

3. Shanmugha Arts Science Technology and Research Academy, Tamil Nadu

4. Andhra University, Andhra Pradesh

5. Jain University, Karnataka

6. Lovely Professional University, Punjab

7. Mumbai University, Maharashtra

8. Uttaranchal University, Uttarakhand

9. Sikkim Manipal University, Sikkim

10. Manipal University, Rajasthan

Full Time Colleges

1. D.Y. Patil Arts, Science and  Commerce College  Pimpri, Pune, Maharashtra

2. Sardar Patel Mahavidyalaya, Chandrapur, Maharashtra

3. Rashtrasant Tukadoji  Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur, Maharashtra

4. Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Maharashtra

5. Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded, Maharashtra

6. Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra

7. Modern College of Arts Science and Commerce, Pune, Maharashtra

8. Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune, Maharashtra

9. Ness Wadia College of Commerce, Pune, Maharashtra

10. MIT World Peace University, Pune Maharashtra

Distance Colleges

1. Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open  University, Nashik, Maharashtra

2. Vikas Night College of Arts Science and Commerce, Mumbai, Maharashtra

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MCA Cyber Security Course Fees in Pune

 Fees depends upon choice of University and Learning Medium

• Pursuing full-time MCA course in India fees are between 46,000 INR to 3,40,000 INR depends upon Institute or University

 Fees of pursuing Distance MCA in India is in the range of 40,000 INR to 2,20,000 INR depends upon Institution

•  Part-time MCA course fee is in the range of 25,000 INR to 1,35,000 INR according to enrolled University.

  While pursuing Online MCA course fees is in the range of 20,000 INR to 1,20,000 INR within Top Indian University.

Syllabus of MCA Cyber Security







Semester I

·         Mathematical Foundation of Computer Application

·         Fundamentals of Computer and IT

·         Operating System and Unix Shell Programming

·         Data Communication and Computer Networks

·         Data Structures with Algorithms



Semester II

·         Probability and Statistics

·         Relational Database Management System

·         Design and Analysis of Algorithms

·         Cyber Security: Concepts and Practices

·         Cyber Laws and Ethics

·         Fundamentals of Cloud Computing



Semester III

·         Fundamentals of Cloud Computing

·         Advanced Web Technologies

·         Cryptography

·         Network and Systems Security

·         Fundamentals of Cloud Security

·         Open Elective Course



Semester IV

·         Cyber Threat Intelligence

·         Defensive Cyber Security Technologies

·         Vulnerability Analysis

·         Penetration Testing

·         Cross-Functional Elective Course

·         Project


• Students must have a minimum 3 years Bachelor degree from any Indian recognized University or an equivalent in computer or mathematics related subject including in

• Other than above Bachelor degree Students are also eligible but they have to undergo with fundamentals and basics of Computer subject in first

• Students must have minimum of 50% marks in graduation.

• Final year students pursuing Bachelor course are also eligible for

• Students having degree in Masters and want to seek degree in Cyber security are also

Cyber Law

Cyber Law refers to rules and regulation regarding computer technology and networks which includes each and every digital transaction and internet activity. The purpose is to create safe friendly environment for individual and organization. Area that covers Cyber Law are:


Cyber law protect from violation of someone rights. It allows action to protect someone personal hard work to be used by others for making profit. Person or organization can file charges with the help of lawyer against person who is using their work without permission.


Cyber law prevent consumers from online fraud by identifying spam and theft. Law identify culprit and punish according to criminal charges to violet the rules.


Cyber law protect person when someone access unauthorized personal data and information illegally and starts blackmailing regarding this. Cyber law punish the Hacker according to act.

Fake Information:

Cyber Law save from spreading fake information in surroundings and take action against institute or individuals who is spreading it. This type of laws is called Defamation law.


Sometimes online comment or stalking can leads to harassing which affect mentally to the victim. Cyber law helps person to take steps against the stalker, file the charges and punish according to charges.


Cyber law helps to protect privacy of individual or an organization from different threats, and helps to take specific action according to the threat. It provides freedom to work on internet.

There are some laws issued for preventing from cyber threat, these includes:

1. IT Act, 2000:

Information Technology Act is Indian Cyber laws made in 2000. It offers reliable legal action towards e-Commerce threats, Government records. IT Act implemented by the Parliament of India to offer fine on misuse of technology and provide security on e- governance, e-commerce, e-banking, or any other internet related threats. This act includes:

Section 43: It includes damage of computer technology and networks without owner This Section provide compensation to the owner.

Section 66: It includes fraud related application. In this section fraudster have to pay compensation or upto three years imprisonment.

Section 66B: It includes fraud or stealing electronics It includes imprisonment upto three years or compensation.

Section 66C: This section includes hacking or unauthorised access of someone personal information. If found guilty then imprisonment upto three years with

Section 66D: It includes cheating or threating with the help of an internet connection. Guilty person is charged with imprisonment or compensation or both.

IPC 1980 Indian Penal Code 1980 allows to identify or prevent from threat and helps in taking specific action towards them with punishment according to violation of rules and regulations.

Opportunity after BCA in Cyber Security

✔  Security Consultant:

Provide security related advice by analyzing organizational computer module and data which prevent from unauthorized access or data loss. Also advise regarding cyber security module and process.

✔  Security Analyst:

Security analyst monitors and analyse computer systems and networks which provide safeguard from cyber threat. Analyst take measure to prevent and protect unauthorised data.

✔  White-Hat Hacker:

Legal hacking attempt on security firewall to verify security of computer systems and networks. It gives idea about security weakness and helps to resolve them.

✔  Forensic Analyst:

Forensic Analyst helps in investigating the Cyber related crime or incidents and find culprit after crime by analysing evidence, collecting data and information

✔  Cryptography:

Designing and Implementing different tools, algorithms, different protocols to secure data and information from hacking.


Demand of Cyber Security is increasing significantly in Today’s world. As of developing IT industries all over the world Cyber threat is becoming prominent threat to them which is not only limited to organization but to Individual is affecting from it too. To fulfil the course requirement MCA in Cyber security plays important role and allows students to make a successful career in this field. Course enrich students with Cyber related tools and technology with deep Cyber Security knowledge.

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